Choose to live an abundantly good life. Live a spirit filled life, and think good thoughts and let God work the details for the journey with Him.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

My Journey to Freedom

Someone ask is your name rosemary? I thought your name is Sandy! Rosemary is my "free-spirited" name. I like rosemary. Rosemary is an herb and it means "remembrance." I choose to be remembered by my posterity. What I choose to do today counts for everything tomorrow.

I am on a road to "freedom." The freedom road. I live on Bethel hill which means "house of God." (Genesis 35:15) I live in Salem which means "peace." (Hebrews 7:2) Seven years ago God led me to this location by His divine intervention. I was not looking for a new location. I did not know then the meaning of salem or bethel. I've learned this information recently by reading my Bible beginning with Genesis in November 2005. Tim Darnell offers a universal daily Bible reading program. I was added to the list. Thousands of people are reading their bibles because they clicked a link Footsteps of Faith Messenger. Go to site

On my journey, I choose to share God's love with as many people as God allows to cross my path.
God said, I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations. (Deut. 5:10)

God sent Abram on a journey. God said "do not be afraid," Abram for I will protect you, and your reward will be great." (Genesis 15). I believe God lavishes His love on me as well as He did Abram. I am one of His in the thousand generations.
God has blessed me greatly and I know He needs me! How do I know God needs me?


Health and Wealth God's Way

Freedom from bondage is letting go of all baggage in our live that keep us from the pure essential peace, joy, love and abundant life.
God made the world and everything in it. Everything He made He said it is good! However, when He made people, He said it is very good!
Wonder why people are a very good creation? Could it be that we are created in God's image? And, what does it mean to be created in God's image? Who is God?
If God created us so good, then this God would surely want us to have good health, the best of wealth and a live free of bondage?
How do I get wealth? Is there enough money in the world for everyone? How do I earn my money? Do I need to change the way I think?
"Whatsoever a person thinketh, so is he." Hmmmm! Maybe it is the way I think about money that keeps money away from me. So, if I think I have an abundance of health, wealth and success, then a door of opportunity opens. "Wow" it was more grand than I ever expected!
Thoughts are things, so choose the good one! Remember, God created people VERY GOOD!
We must seek and think the good!


Friday, February 03, 2006

Set Me Free Today

Did God creat a world of plenty?
Did God bless the earth with His riches?
Do I have a right to live a financially blessed life?
Can I attract all the money I need to live a full, prosperous and happy life?
Do I think good thoughts when I think of money? Will money circulates freely to me and through me?
Was I was born to succeed?
Yes, I will abide in God's eternal supply. God gives me money-making opportunities. Is it obtainable? You bet it is!
Can I be set free today? You bet I can!


Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Abundant Lifestyle

Is there enough money for everyone in the world? Is there an abundances of money just waiting for you to collect and how do you get it? Could it be a mindset change? Is money good? Can we live without it? How do we tap into the abundant resources available to all of us? Do we have to be saddled with debt?
Can I do something about it? Can I earn as much money as I want to?
What can I do to help myself? Is there a power bigger than me that can help me live an abundantly free lifestyle and have so much money that I can give back to help the poor?
Thoughts are things and can I choose good thoughts to change my life?
Whatsoever a person thinketh, so is he. Hummm! I think I can change my lifestyle. I can change the way I think starting this moment.
