Choose to live an abundantly good life. Live a spirit filled life, and think good thoughts and let God work the details for the journey with Him.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Say What??

God made us, chose us and He wants the best for us! He lives in us and works through us. He is "freedom" from bondage! Seek and ye will find!
How true the following is when we are breaking free of Satan's snares.

The following was featured on the Religion page in our local newspaper this past week and written by Phillip Hazelwood.

O' Lord, what am I going to do? That has been my cry so many times in my life. His answer always seems to be the same, "Stop fretting. Calm down and trust in me. My Word is the same forever. Don't be afraid."

Everything is going to be alright because for the children of God, the best is yet to come. So many times my trials got worse and worse and worse. The more I prayed and tried to find HIm, the worse things got until I could no longer pray. There have been times, I could only groan. I couldn't even utter a word. Just a groan in the spirit.

Then, I would finally remember that He promised to stick with me no matter what. So through my tears and my fears, I remembered that Joseph was finally released from prison. Jeremiah was drawn up out of the miry pit before he starved to death or died of thirst. And, I knew my Lord would deliver me when the time was fulfilled.

So, to you, I say hang in there. Help will soon arrive. When it is already too late for man to help, the Lord God is right at your door.
Jesus is the way!

Shine Brightly for Jesus,



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