Indeed, raw milk is healthier for us. I can say this from experience. For the past two years, we are much healthier today because we drink good wholesome milk straight from the cow on the farm. Raw milk is healthier and better for you than pasteurized milk in the stores. And, believe me it tastes better, too. You have to experience it to believe it. It's like grace; you have to "experience grace of God" because you can't explain it to someone.
Long time drinkers of vitamin-rich NON-pasteurized milk increases resistance to colds and flu, weight loss, relief from arthritis pain, plus a whole lot more and this is not to mention the fuller, truer flavor of raw milk.
Do we really worship a God who provided what we need for good health; and only to have man come along and alter the milk products by pasteurizing it and destroying vital enzymes that help digest our foods?
What a big lie that raw milk is not good for us. Satan is out to destroy and to kill God's people and in any way he can.
It's the same big lie that Satan wants us to buy into that we cannot be prosperous and have an abundance of God's wealth.
I hope to tell you that if raw milk is bad for humans, then I would be sick. I couldn't feel better. I have not drank any store bought pasteurized milk for two years.
I grew up on raw milk from the farm. I was raised in rural America and my dad had one milk cow that kept his family and many other families supplied with the best of milk, cream and butter. I am gratefully thankful now for the knowledge that he realized this precious commodity about milk for his family. It was not until I moved back into rural America that I appreciate what I had in those days.
Today, I went to the farm and bought my raw milk for my family. I drive 40 miles round trip every week for raw milk and cream. If you have never tasted this luscious white liquid, find a source near you. I assure you, you will never drink another drop of the pasteurized poison from the stores. Please forgive me if this sounds harsh but it is truth. God provided the best for His people and Satan says it is not good for you. What did he say to Eve in the garden?
Folks, we better wake up and open our eyes to what's really going on with health and wealth in this country. There have been many myths about health that have been sold to us via government, media, schools and etc. It's high time we take control of what goes into our bodies. It's high time we take control of how much wealth we accumulate and share for God's kingdom. Wealth and health go hand in hand.
Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. Some of the brothers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living in the truth. I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children live in the truth. III John 2-5 (NLV)
Living in the truth is far greater than living in a big lie (thinking it is the truth)! I cannot stress how important good health is. We can have all the money in the world ; however, if we don't have the good health to enjoy it and use it for God's kingdom, what use is it.
Our Father has commanded us to live in the truth. II John 4
I believe we have an obligation and accountability to our Father to live in the truth about what we say, eat and do. We must not accept all that is offered by the food industry as wholesome and good for us. Artificial and altered foods are poison to our bodies. Listen to your body. God lives in us and we must give our body the best of foods. Shame on us if we do not.
Tim Darnell has stressed the "new home" we are moving to. We cannot fully enjoy "new home" until we are conscious of the foods God provided for us. We eat to live, not live to eat. We give to live. This is living in the truth that the Father commanded. II John 4 Let's not be like Adam and Eve and buy into a lie.
Seek truth! Seek health! Seek wealth!
Shine Brightly for Jesus,
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